Category Archives: Executor Advice
What is Executor Insurance and how does it work?
Being the Executor of a Will is a very important job, and one that most Canadians will have to take on at some point in their lives (whether they like it or not.) As the Executor, you may know that you’re responsible for closing the estate and tasks like arranging the funeral and selling the…
What are joint executors?
An executor in Canada takes care of closing someone’s estate when they pass away, but what happens when there is more than one executor named in the will? This is called having joint executors, and it usually happens when a parent chooses more than one child to take on the role. Why would you have…
What are the most common Estate Litigation Disputes?
Estate litigation disputes are unfortunately quite common in Canada. They occur when someone takes issue with the way estate administration tasks are being handled by the executor, such as the division of personal assets. We anticipate that estate disputes will only become more frequent as our population in Canada continues to age. By the year…
Selling Estate Property to Family Members
As an executor of a will, it’s fairly common to be faced with the scenario of selling estate property to family members, like a family cottage. Typically, the amount that the land, home, cottage, or condo is sold for is administered amongst the beneficiaries in portions dictated by the will. But it isn’t always that…
What do I need to know about Executor Liability Insurance?
Many people know what an executor is, but very few actually realize there’s a laundry list of estate administration tasks that come with the role. Being an Executor is the miserablest, rottenest, nastiest job that you never applied for.” Jim Kibble, Founder of Ontario Estate Consulting Solutions Inc.
Cryptocurrency Creates A New Role: The Electronic Estate Executor
Many Canadians wish they had bought cryptocurrency as the value of a single BitCoin rose from $1,229 to $17,618 throughout 2017 (in Canadian dollars). Everyday investors have begun to dive into the Bitcoin craze to make their fortunes even though the cryptocurrency has received criticism financial experts around the globe.
Should Executors Have Unlimited Liability While Grieving?
Canadians who plan for the day when they must pass on their estates face a quiet fear that many of us don’t acknowledge for most of our lives. It takes courage to follow the necessary steps to ensure that their legacies survive as intended. That leaves us asking the question should Executors have unlimited liability…
What are my Executor Duties in Canada?
So you’ve been made an Executor, but what does that actually mean? Your Executor duties are quite extensive (it takes about two years to close an estate in Canada) but not to worry, we have a free Executor Guide that can help you every step of the way. Want a sneak peek? You can see…
Can You Include Pets in Your Will?
A growing number of pet-owning Canadians are revising their Wills to include their four-legged family members. Though the idea may seem a bit bizarre, the reasons for including pets in your will are quite the same as including a child: As a safety precaution should the owners pass away before the pet. To avoid the…
The Executor’s Challenge
Feature By Marg Bruineman Canadian Lawyer Magazine Disgruntled beneficiaries are increasingly prepared to challenge wills, leaving the executor’s challenge of struggling to carry out the deceased’s instructions. Instructions from beyond the grave can be a difficult thing. As with most things, wills too have limitations. But how far should he or she go in fulfilling…