

Resources for Insurance Brokers

Resources for Insurance Brokers

Executor and Estate Liability Insurance

Many of your clients are acting as estate trustees and executors and do so without insurance for their personal liability. Lawyers refer to estate administration as the “New Frontier for Legal Liability” and now you can be part of the solution.


Executor and Estate Liability Insurance – The Broker’s Role

The Broker’s Role Understand why brokers need to be talking to their clients about executor liability.
Step by Step Marketing Guide This basic “How To Guide” introduces the risk and solution for executor liability to your clients.
Newsletter Content This information can be used as content in your next blog post or e-newsletter.
Executor Liability:
An Overview for Brokers
A short discussion document highlighting the Insurance Brokers’ role and responsibility in a new insurance marketplace.


Resources for your Clients

New Risk Notice Send this letter to your clients advising them of the risk associated with being an executor and the availability of insurance, thereby mitigating your own E&O exposure.
A Practical Guide to Inheritance Planning This guide is invaluable to clients for planning purposes. It is also a tremendous value-add for the professionals you work with whose clients also need this information.
Will Preparation Guide This document can be used by your clients to begin gathering the information required to create a will. Note: This is not a legal will.
Executor Guide This Guide helps the executor understand their role and responsibilities and provides guidance in the administration efforts.
Cover page for the
Executor Guide
Add a personal touch to the Executor Guide by including your logo and address on this customizable cover page.
Executor Liability:
An Overview for Consumers
Post this paper on your website highlighting the obligations and responsibilities of the non-professional executor.
Letter of Direction This informal document can be used to authorize future executors to purchase liability insurance. This completed form can be kept with the will or given to the executor.


How to Apply for Insurance

Application Form Email the completed application form to application@erassure.com to receive a quote. This application form can be kept as part of your file documentation if an executor declines coverage.
Feature Sheet A high level overview of the features and benefits of executor liability insurance.
Broker FAQ’s Answers to typical policy, application and coverage questions.


Resources for Other Professionals

Sample Letter to Professionals Use this letter to introduce ERAssure as a new value add for professionals such as lawyers, accountants and financial advisors that are all involved with estate planning and estate administration. Let them know you can bring value and solutions to their clients.
Executor Liability:
An Overview for Professionals

A discussion about an emerging client risk through estate administration liability written for lawyers and accountants.

Executor Liability:
An Overview for Financial Advisors

A short discussion on the significant issue of executor risk, the need for protection and the unique opportunity this presents for the financial advisor.